Work in Progress on Gnörf Terrain Sheet / Hedge

Some work in progress on a laid Hedge element for the terrain sheet. At the moment the sheet looks like it will contain 

  • Freshy Laid Hedge (see above)
  • Overgrown Laid Hedge - more leafy and bush
  • Coppiced 'Ash'

The laying of hedges is a traditional technique of hedgerow management, where the stems of shrubs and young trees are cut then bent over, it makes a very strong and living border.   These are fantasy hedges, made by Gnörves (and a central element of Gnörvish 'architecture') rather than a strictly historical, so these combine the raised bank of the Dorset style and the stake and shrub of South of England.  The Ash-type tree is chosen for its association with weapon crafting (the Anglo-Saxon æsc-holt) will be based on the tree, but again a slightly fantasy version.

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Oh excellent. Your first mini set and this sent me back to digging through the first Warhammer Compendium where you see all those B&W sketches of their mini lines.